One-on-one (private) website about AI football
A non-artificial introduction to AI football!
AI stands for artificial intelligence. One could say it is the intelligence of machines or software, as opposed to the intelligence of living beings, primarily of humans. [quoted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

Football, or soccer as it is called in the U.S. and in some other countries, would not be the same if it would be played by mindless people with absolutely no signs of intelligence. Just imagine the turmoil and disarray of 22 people running after a ball and into each other, without any reason to do so.

That's when the intelligence of human beings comes into play. We've kicked on green and coarse fields, we've mastered after years of practice the rules and regulations of the football game, we've reached a point where we could literally draw the shape
of the ball blind-folded and we recognize when and how to shoot a ball to score a goal.

But how do machines and computer programs, particularly football or soccer games know this stuff? Well, before a piece of software can act intelligent, more intelligent people need to program the AI first. It's presumably a tedious thing to do with lots of rules, conditions and actions to be generated for the sequence of instructions that need to be executed by the computer to make such a program behave as it was intended by the programmer. For a good AI football game to be convincing a lot of thought will need to be put into it. To see a real example of an AI football game in action, click here:
AI football.